Revenge Travel with the WKNDTRP

The word ‘revenge’ is commonly known to us, however when you add in the word ‘travel’, the term ‘revenge travel’ takes on a brand-new meaning. Gaining quick momentum and popularity among the travel world, revenge travel is how us humans or travel enthusiast are taking back what was for so long taken away from us. We all know just how badly the pandemic took a toll on us in every aspect of the word. While some things may or not be able to return to how it was, travel is one of the aspects that seems to shed light at the end of the tunnel.


Now that people are steadily starting to ease into travelling the challenge has been taken upon travel agents and concierge services to try providing the safest, best and most enriching travel experiences to make up for all the time lost. In order to bind together safe, efficient, informed and accurate travel seamlessly we at the WKNDTRP have designed our app to do just that. Here is how your revenge travel can be best enjoyed with the WKNDTRP .


Tech empowered travel is in demand

Everything is done with the use of our phones, so travel is no different. If you want to research a holiday destination, check out a hotel review or even plan an itinerary you simply google it. A big part of revenge travel is just not going on a trip but making it count instead. The WKNDTRP is an all-inclusive travel guide showing you the best places to travel in your preferred destination. So instead of having 5 tabs with different websites open just simply use the app to answer all your questions. After all the next best revenge is not having to sweat it planning your trip.


Information and expert guidance

You can search for something from various sources but you will never know just how accurate it is, the same goes for Travel. So how about if you could talk, interact or scroll through the profile of someone who does? WKNDTRP cleverly integrates users or as we like to call them ambassadors and travel inspo to explore tab of the app. Say you want hotels near Heathrow airport or how long the Naples to Positano ferry is? link up with someone from the city and get in touch. Check out the WKNDTRP Instagram for featured users in each getaway.


Get to know the best getaways to go to

Now that travel is open the options are plenty but how do you know where to go when? Safety is of utmost priority so if getting on a plane still feels uncomfortable don’t stress. If you live in the States then you have plenty of options that are possible. Miami, Hawaii and Vegas are ideal locations for your revenge travel and luckily for you, all mentioned getaways are just a click away on the WKNDTRP.


Make good decisions

The hotel you stay at is one of the most important aspects of any holiday. Is it the kind of place that will make sigh in happiness or are you dreading the night in a bed with itchy sheets? There are a number of guests rated hotel websites but how if you could just view them all in one place? The WKNDTRP provides hotel ratings from three of the best-known rating websites so you can make an informed decision.


Splurge on your revenge travel

The lockdowns made us only concentrate on the essentials so now that you are out and about why not treat yourself? Splurge on luxury shopping, restaurants and activities. Indulge in the brands in the skyscrapercity Dubai, browse through the extensive and divine Amalfi menu or fly the skies in luxury with Skyscanner flights all available through the WKNDTRP app.


It really is the best way to travel. Everything you need right at your fingertips…literally! Don’t believe us? Check it out for yourself.


Travel made simple with the WKNDTRP.


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